G KULL is a freight forwarding company that brings together various types of trucks in one place to meet the needs of entrepreneurs in all forms, whether it be rental truck transport services, point-to-point transport services, large-scale transport services, and temperature-controlled shipping services with online car booking service. Customers can check shipping prices anywhere, anytime through the G KULL application.




Nowadays, we bring technology systems to play a greater role in transportation for ease of use and reducing errors in various matters.


Speed and accuracy in coordination

Our company has a transportation network and a team of experienced people who provide advice and coordinate delivery from origin to destination quickly.


We believe that every company needs a standard shipping price that is suitable for the current situation, whether it is a matter of fees, shipping costs, or anything else. G KULL can make this easy for your business.



Quality is one factor we take into account, no less than price. Transportation requires standards for delivery. We inspect every vehicle before using it to ensure the safety of our customers' products.

Customers can notify

Customers can notify details of products to be transported via Line or e-mail 1 day in advance and inform product details for accuracy and to prevent mistakes that will occur in the future.

  • Product type
  • Number of products
  • Origin recipient address – Destination recipient address
  • Normal temperature – Controlled temperature
Providing vehicles that are suitable

G GO provides vehicles that are suitable for customers' products to meet the needs of customers' products as much as possible. Then, we will inform the customer of the shipping cost. After the customer confirms the price, we will send a summary table of this work as a booking form on that day.

Keeps updating shipping status

Our team will coordinate and update the vehicle status with pictures for customers from the time the product is received from the origin to the destination until the work is completed.